Grants by Program
ARC - (N/A)
Academy of Finland (Suomen Akatemia) - Strategic Funds
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation - postdoctoral fellowships
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - (N/A)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Open Research Fund
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Technology
American Philosophical Society - Lewis and Clark Fund
American Society of Naturalists - (N/A)
Arkansas Audubon Society - Student Research Awards
Australian Biological Resources Study - Research Grant
Australian Research Council (ARC) - Discovery Project Grant
Australian Research Council - Discovery Grant
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - (N/A)
BBSRC - Responsive Mode Application
BBSRC - Tools and Resources Development Fund Application
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) - Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks (BRAIN)
CIHR - (N/A)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) - annual competition for postdoctoral fellowships
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative - Collaborative Computational Tools for the Human Cell Atlas
Cystic Fibrosis Canada - (N/A)
Czech Science Foundation - (N/A)
DFG - (N/A)
DFG - PostDoc proposal
DFG - Wissenschaftliche Monographien und monographische Serien im Open Access
DOE - Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
Danish Center for Supercomputing - (N/A)
Danish National Science Foundation - (N/A)
Danish National Science Foundation - Chemical Physics
Danish National Science Foundation - FNU
Dutch Fulbright Center - Fulbright Scholarships
EMBO - Young Investigator Programme
ERC - ADG Advanced Grant
EU - Marie Curie
Eastern Bird Banding Assocation - Student Research Grant
Ecological Society of America - Forest Shreve Research Award
Egypt Excellence Scholarships - PhD Project proposal
Endangered Language Documentation Project - Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship
European Commission - Horizon 2020 e-Infrastructures for virtual research environments (VRE)
European Commission - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
European Community (Framework 7) - Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship
European Research Commission (ERC-StG-2014) - (N/A)
European Union - Framework Programme Horizon 2020, COST Actions
European Union - Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant BIG4 PhD Project proposal
European Union - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) - Postdoctoral Grant
Garden Club of America - The Frances M. Peacock Scholarship for Native Bird Habitat
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf - eLearning Support Fund
IDRC - (N/A)
Institute of Museum and Library Services (US) - (N/A)
LTER - Training Working Groups Proposal
Leakey Foundation - (N/A)
Moore Foundation - Data Driven Discovery Investigators
Moore Foundation - Marine Microbiology Initiative
Multiple - (N/A)
NASA - Predoctoral Graduate Fellowship
NERC - (N/A)
NERC - New Investigator Award
NIH - (N/A)
NIH - F31
NIH - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
NIH - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases MNORC small grant
NIH - R01
NIH - R25
NSF - (N/A)
NSF - Advances in Biological Informatics (ABI)
NSF - Cultural Anthropology
NSF - Cyberinfrastructure
NSF - Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG)
NSF - Division of Ocean Sciences
NSF - Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
NSF - Dynamics of Coupled Human and Natural Systems
NSF - EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship
NSF - Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID)
NSF - Graduate Research Fellowship Program
NSF - Nordic Research Opportunity
NSF - Plant Genome
NSF - Plant Genome Research
NSF - Population & Community Ecology
NSF - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology
NSF - Research Starter Grant
NSF - SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (SMA)
NWO - Open Programme for Earth and Life Sciences
NWO - PhD Fellowship
NWO - Postdoctoral Fellowship
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - Working Group
National Health and Medical Research Foundation - Senior Research Fellowship
National Institutes of Health (US) - Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Advancing Biomedical Science Using Crowdsourcing and Interactive Digital Media (UH2)
National Institutes of Health (US) - Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Advancing Biomedical Science Using Crowdsourcing and Interactive Digital Media (UH2) (RFA-CA-15-006)
National Institutes of Health (US) - F31
National Institutes of Health (US) - K01
National Institutes of Health (US) - K08
National Institutes of Health (US) - PAR-09-219: Exploratory Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology (R21)
National Institutes of Health (US) - PAR-14-331 Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R21)
National Institutes of Health (US) - R01
National Institutes of Health (US) - R03
National Institutes of Health (US) - R15
National Institutes of Health (US) - R21
National Institutes of Health (US) - R21 (PA-10-069)
National Institutes of Health (US) - R21/R33
National Institutes of Health (US) - R41, R42, R43, R44
National Institutes of Health (US) - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship
National Institutes of Health (US) - unsolicited R21
National Institutes of Health - NIGMS
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services (US) - IR-ORI-16-001 by the Office of Research Integrity
Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) - Accelerating Scientific Discovery (ASDI)
New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT) [Hungarian] - National Excellence Program
Prairie Biotic Research, Inc. - (N/A)
Shuttleworth Foundation - Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship Program
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program
The Hungarian Diaspora Council (Nemzeti Regiszter) - Mikes Kelemen Program
The Wellcome Trust - The Open Science Prize
Tzu Chi University College of Medicine, Taiwan - Cardiovascular Research
Tzuchi University College of Medicine - PhD Project proposal
USDA - (N/A)
USGS - (N/A)
Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - (N/A)
University of California Natural Reserve System - Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant Program
University of Melbourne - (N/A)
University of Melbourne and FAPESP - FAPESP/UOM SPRINT grant
WWF - Kathryn Fuller Doctoral Fellowship
Wellcome Trust - Open Research Fund
Wenner-Gren Foundation - Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
ARC - (N/A)
Academy of Finland (Suomen Akatemia) - Strategic Funds
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation - postdoctoral fellowships
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - (N/A)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Open Research Fund
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Technology
American Philosophical Society - Lewis and Clark Fund
American Society of Naturalists - (N/A)
Arkansas Audubon Society - Student Research Awards
Australian Biological Resources Study - Research Grant
Australian Research Council (ARC) - Discovery Project Grant
Australian Research Council - Discovery Grant
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - (N/A)
BBSRC - Responsive Mode Application
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) - Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks (BRAIN)
CIHR - (N/A)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) - annual competition for postdoctoral fellowships
Cystic Fibrosis Canada - (N/A)
Czech Science Foundation - (N/A)
DFG - (N/A)
DFG - PostDoc proposal
DFG - Wissenschaftliche Monographien und monographische Serien im Open Access
DOE - Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
Danish Center for Supercomputing - (N/A)
Danish National Science Foundation - (N/A)
Danish National Science Foundation - Chemical Physics
Danish National Science Foundation - FNU
Dutch Fulbright Center - Fulbright Scholarships
EMBO - Young Investigator Programme
ERC - ADG Advanced Grant
EU - Marie Curie
Eastern Bird Banding Assocation - Student Research Grant
Ecological Society of America - Forest Shreve Research Award
Egypt Excellence Scholarships - PhD Project proposal
Endangered Language Documentation Project - Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship
European Commission - Horizon 2020 e-Infrastructures for virtual research environments (VRE)
European Commission - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
European Research Commission (ERC-StG-2014) - (N/A)
European Union - Framework Programme Horizon 2020, COST Actions
European Union - Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant BIG4 PhD Project proposal
European Union - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) - Postdoctoral Grant
Garden Club of America - The Frances M. Peacock Scholarship for Native Bird Habitat
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf - eLearning Support Fund
IDRC - (N/A)
Institute of Museum and Library Services (US) - (N/A)
LTER - Training Working Groups Proposal
Leakey Foundation - (N/A)
Moore Foundation - Data Driven Discovery Investigators
Moore Foundation - Marine Microbiology Initiative
Multiple - (N/A)
NASA - Predoctoral Graduate Fellowship
NERC - (N/A)
NERC - New Investigator Award
NIH - (N/A)
NIH - F31
NIH - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
NIH - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases MNORC small grant
NIH - R01
NIH - R25
NSF - (N/A)
CAREER: Scaling and Improving de Bruijn graph assembly
C. Titus Brown, 2011, unfunded
CAREER: Assembling Extremely Large Metagenomes
C. Titus Brown, 2012, unfunded
CAREER: Rapid evolution of an invasive plant: the role of microbial interactions
Katrina M. Dlugosch, 2017, funded
CAREER: Citizens, Conservation, and Climate: Research and Education for Climate Literacy in Managed Landscapes
Alejandro N. Flores, 2014, funded
CAREER: Pastoral Management of Open Access: The Emergence of a Complex Adaptive System
Mark Moritz, 2008, funded
CAREER: Advancing Macroecology Using Informatics and Entropy Maximization
Ethan P. White, 2010, funded
NSF - Cultural Anthropology
NSF - Cyberinfrastructure
NSF - Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG)
NSF - Division of Ocean Sciences
NSF - Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
NSF - Dynamics of Coupled Human and Natural Systems
NSF - EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship
NSF - Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID)
NSF - Graduate Research Fellowship Program
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Kevin Bird, 2016, funded
The role of diet, physiology, and behavior in thermoregulation and population growth of the invasive monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Kevin R. Burgio, 2010, funded
Do species-environment feedbacks lead to multiple trajectories of ecosystem change?
Adam Clark, 2011, funded
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Danielle H. Drabeck, 2013, unfunded
Elucidating local archaic ancestry using machine learning
Arun Durvasula, 2018, funded
Incorporating time into the study of anthropogenic land use and disease
Michelle V. Evans, 2014, not funded
Vector dynamics and disease transmission across an urban gradient
Michelle V. Evans, 2015, funded
A Bayesian Network Approach for Assessing Factors in Complex Disease Etiology
Jean Fan, 2013, funded
Microbiome and stress: examining host-microbe responses in ascidians following acute low salinity exposure
Lisa K. Johnson, 2016, not funded - honorable mention
GRFP Application
Daniel J. Lurie, 2013, funded
A latent variable modeling approach to multi-taxa prediction
Kari Norman, 2016, funded
Forecasting regime shifts in ecosystems
David Seekell, 2010, funded
The Biological Constraints of Learning in Fathead Minnows (Pimphales promelas)
Delia Shelton, 2010, funded
How do nomadic species and their pathogens respond to changing resource distributions?
Claire S. Teitelbaum, 2016, funded
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Sam Zorowitz, 2018, funded
NSF - Nordic Research Opportunity
NSF - Plant Genome
NSF - Plant Genome Research
NSF - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology
Developing groups and their response to anthropogenic change
Delia Shelton, 2016, funded
Dynamic macroecology: Globally assessing body size diversity response to environmental change
Sarah Supp, 2014, funded
Diversity-stability relationships and coexistence: new theory and empirical tests
Andrew Tredennick, 2014, funded
Broad-scale patterns of the distribution of body sizes of individuals in ecological communities
Ethan P. White, 2005, funded
Fossilized Birth-Death Dating in Formicidae
April M. Wright, 2016, funded
NSF - Research Starter Grant
NSF - SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (SMA)
NWO - Open Programme for Earth and Life Sciences
NWO - PhD Fellowship
NWO - Postdoctoral Fellowship
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - Working Group
National Health and Medical Research Foundation - Senior Research Fellowship
National Institutes of Health (US) - F31
National Institutes of Health (US) - K01
National Institutes of Health (US) - K08
National Institutes of Health (US) - PAR-09-219: Exploratory Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology (R21)
National Institutes of Health (US) - PAR-14-331 Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R21)
National Institutes of Health (US) - R01
Inflammatory cascades disrupt Treg function through epigenetic mechanisms
William Faubion, 2015, funded
Hair Extensions: Using Hair Levels to Interpret Adherence, Effectiveness and Pharmacokinetics with Real-World Oral PrEP, the Vaginal Ring, and Injectables
Monica Gandhi, 2017, funded
Assessing the roles of biofilm structure and mechanics in pathogenic, persistent infections
Vernita Gordon, 2017, funded
Intersection of polyomavirus infection and host cellular responses
Mengxi Jiang, 2015, funded
Enhance AAV Liver Transduction with Capsid Immune Evasion
Chengwen Li, 2015, funded
Peptide Autoinducers of Staphylococcal Pathogenicity
Tom Muir, 2016, funded
National Institutes of Health (US) - R03
National Institutes of Health (US) - R15
National Institutes of Health (US) - R21
Mechanisms of enteric Burkholderia psuedomallei infection
Steven W. Dow, 2010, funded
Human immune system layering and the neonatal response to vaccines
Joseph M. McCune, 2010, funded
Ribosome profiling of Trypanosoma brucei
Peter John Myler, 2010, funded
Lymphoid signals for stromal growth and organization in the thymus.
Howard T. Petrie, 2011, funded
Alteration of host protein stability by Legionella
Michael N. Starnbach, 2011, funded
National Institutes of Health (US) - R21 (PA-10-069)
National Institutes of Health (US) - R21/R33
National Institutes of Health (US) - R41, R42, R43, R44
High-throughput, multiplexed characterization and modeling of antibody:antigen binding, with application to HSV
Benjamin Delbert Brooks, 2016, funded
Antibiotics for Recalcitrant Infection
Kenneth Coleman, 2014, funded
Novel indication for myeloid progenitor use: Induction of tolerance
Timothy C. Fong, 2013, funded
Broadly protective (universal) virus-like particle (VLP) based influenza vaccine
Jose M. Galarza, 2013, funded
Rapid Test for Recent HIV Infection
Patricia Garrett, 2014, funded
Antigen Detection assay for the Diagnosis of Melioidosis
Raymond Houghton, 2014, funded
Experimental Gonococcal Vaccine
Yingru Liu, 2016, funded
Point-of-Care HIV Antigen/Antibody Diagnostic Device
Michael J. Lochhead, 2013, funded
Rapid, automated, detection of viral and bacterial pathogens causing meningitis
Mark Poritz, 2016, funded
Lead Compound Discovery from Engineered Analogs of Occidiofungin
James Smith, 2016, funded
Developing a small peptide to control autoimmune inflammation in type 1 diabetes
David H. Wagner, 2016, funded
National Institutes of Health (US) - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship
National Institutes of Health (US) - unsolicited R21
National Institutes of Health - NIGMS
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services (US) - IR-ORI-16-001 by the Office of Research Integrity
Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) - Accelerating Scientific Discovery (ASDI)
New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT) [Hungarian] - National Excellence Program
Prairie Biotic Research, Inc. - (N/A)
Shuttleworth Foundation - Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship Program
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program
The Hungarian Diaspora Council (Nemzeti Regiszter) - Mikes Kelemen Program
The Wellcome Trust - The Open Science Prize
ContentMine/ Proposal
Peter Murray-Rust, 2016, unfunded
Open Neuroimaging Laboratory
Amy Robinson and Roberto Toro, 2016, partially funded
Roadmap: A Research Data Management Advisory Platform
Stephanie Simms, 2016, unfunded
SCINDR - The SCience INtroDuction Robot that will Connect Open Scientists
Chase Smith, 2016, unfunded
Paperity Central: An Open Catalog of All Scholarly Literature
Marcin Wojnarski, 2016, unfunded
Tzu Chi University College of Medicine, Taiwan - Cardiovascular Research
Tzuchi University College of Medicine - PhD Project proposal
USDA - (N/A)
USGS - (N/A)
Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - (N/A)
University of California Natural Reserve System - Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant Program
University of Melbourne - (N/A)
University of Melbourne and FAPESP - FAPESP/UOM SPRINT grant
WWF - Kathryn Fuller Doctoral Fellowship
Wellcome Trust - Open Research Fund
Wenner-Gren Foundation - Dissertation Fieldwork Grant